Author Kit


  • The ICCR paper submission and review processes will be entirely electronic and will be conducted online using EasyChair as described below:
  • Authors who intend to participate in the conference require to register with the EasyChair on-line submission system and then use it to submit their full papers.
  • Full paper submission should be completed on or before “Paper Submission” deadline as listed in the Important Dates
  • The submitted full papers will be peer reviewed, using the online review system, by experts selected by the conference Technical Program Committee for their demonstrated knowledge of relevant fields. The result of the review process will be published on this website, and authors will also be informed by email. Review result will be ready by the “Review Decision Notifications date”.
  • Authors of accepted papers are required to prepare a final version of their paper and will submit it using the EasyChair online submission system. The version of the final manuscript will be significantly the same as the submitted full paper but will take into account the reviewers’ comments. The final paper must be completed and submitted on or before “Final Submission and Author Registration” deadline.
  • The final version of an accepted paper will appear in the conference proceedings provided that at least one of the authors registered. This must be carried out on or before the “Final Submission and Registration” deadline.
  • ICCR conference follows the IEEE “No-Show Policy”, which states that it is up to the Conference Committee’s discretion to allow “no shows” to be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. If a change is made to a paper after its acceptance to a conference, IEEE recommends that the Program Committee review the final paper.
  • Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.


To make the review process convenient for reviewers, and to assure that submitted papers and final manuscripts are readable through the online review system, authors are required to submit papers that are formatted as per instructions given below. Submitted paper formatting should be identical to final manuscript formatting. Papers not conforming to the prescribed format will be rejected without review. Likewise, final manuscripts not conforming to the required format will not appear in the proceedings.


Please make sure that you put the conference name (ICCR) and the paper number, assigned by the online submission system, on all correspondence. Additional inquiries regarding submission of papers should be directed to: